India. Mumbai’s Parsi community has for centuries relied on vultures to dispose of its corpses. But now, these valued scavengers are in danger of extinction. Darabsha, a retired Parsi pallbearer braves the Mumbai traffic to go to Vasai, where the promise of vultures there will allow him to die in the orthodox Parsi way. Along the way, we encounter ingenious modern Parsi solutions to mitigate the dearth of vultures, none of which agrees with Darabsha.
Screening times for Singapore/Malaysia/Hong Kong/Philippines:
Wed | 06/08/03 | 10:00PM (Premiere)* |
Thu | 07/08/03 | 02:00PM |
Thu | 14/08/03 | 10:00AM |
Sat | 16/08/03 | 06:00PM* |
Wed | 17/09/03 | 11:30PM |
Thur | 18/09/03 | 07:30AM |
Sun | 21/09/03 | 07:30PM* |
Mon | 22/09/03 | 09:30AM |
Mon | 22/09/03 | 03:30PM |
Indonesia/Thailand screen one hour before these times
Production credits
Australia/New Zealand - Taiwan - Japan