Hong Kong. Jovial Tsui shops for her own funeral in the shopping capital of the world. Frugal pensioner that she is, she drives a hard bargain. Some tips from Tsui in this DIY guide to a Taoist funeral: Always buy funeral shoes a few sizes larger, your feet expand. Start folding Hell money now so you’ll have enough to spend in your afterlife. Finally, find a niche for your remains near where your favourite matinee idol is interred, you never know when you may need a majong mate.
Screening times for Singapore/Malaysia/Hong Kong/Philippines:
Tue | 05/08/03 | 10:30PM (Premiere)* |
Wed | 06/08/03 | 02:30PM |
Wed | 06/08/03 | 10:30AM |
Fri | 15/08/03 | 06:30PM* |
Wed | 17/09/03 | 11:00PM* |
Thur | 18/09/03 | 03:00PM |
Sun | 21/09/03 | 07:00PM* |
Mon | 22/09/03 | 09:00AM |
Mon | 22/09/03 | 03:00PM |
Indonesia/Thailand screen one hour before these times
Production credits
Australia/New Zealand - Taiwan - Japan